Cael is a big boy now! He smiles all the time! (unless he's hungry or tired or cranky)
Cael can almost reach for toys but he still has a little bit of trouble with controlling his arm movement. When we lay him on his stomach, he can hold his head up for almost two minutes before he gets mad and wants to be picked up. Morning is his favorite time of day, especially five or six in the morning... I don't like that too much...
He is almost sleeping through the night! He can go from nine or ten to five or six without waking up for a bottle. On average, he eats anywhere between four and six ounces at each feeding. We've been trying out different bottles to see which one cuts down on Cael's gas issues and spit up volume and so far, Dr. Brown is the only type that seems to help. Mylicon made it more painful for him to pass gas so we stopped that. Gentlease has been working pretty well too. We've started mixing a tablespoon of rice cereal into a six ounce bottle before bedtime, which may contribute to his longer night sleeping. I have given him rice cereal as a spoon food and he seemed to enjoy it a lot. I think he just liked having the spoon in his mouth. I mix a small amount of the cereal with formula until it's a watery chunky looking mixture. That makes it easier for him to digest.
Brad and I are working on packing up our things and moving out of our apartment (FINALLY). However, both of us are currently doing our own respective things; he is writing for his RPG site and I'm blogging. We have the bedroom (minus dressers, bed, and necessary items) and the bathroom (again, minus the necessary items) done. I'm dreading the living room pick up... It looks like an earthquake disaster zone...
I'm doing two online classes this summer: Spanish 102 and General Psychology. My Gen Psych class is online and I don't start Spanish until July. I have yet to order my book for Psych due to a lack of funding (aka I had to pay for a storage unit for our crap and I now have almost no money in the checking account :/ ). The book only costs thirty three dollars on EBay but I don't have that money right now... Stupid sixty dollar deposit... Why does everything have to revolve around money? Oh, and I forgot to mention that I am now working three jobs. That's right, in addition to working at the nursery and JC Penney, I now work at Maritz Research again. So if you rented a car from Enterprise, I may be the one calling you to do a survey. W00t... This means less time spent with Cael and less time spent with Brad, which is taking a toll on our relationship... Even our Saturday fun nights aren't as fun as they were before because we end up discussing something that makes us fight... I know arguments are good for relationships and we always make up in the end, but I still hate having them. But we love each other and won't let stupid little tiffs get in the way of that :) That's how I know we're meant to be.
Well, I'm not sure when I will be able to post again... Due to moving to my mother's house for a couple of months to save up money for a new living space, we have a lack of Internet service so it may be a while before another update pops up. I'll try to post again soon though :)
Best wishes to you all!