Thursday, December 30, 2010

A New Year, A New Leaf

I can't believe Christmas has come and gone and 2011 is almost here! This is just ridiculous. Time had better stop passing so fast. Amy and Matt had their baby. He was 7 pounds, 5 ounces and named Marc Owen (Marc = Matt, Amy, Ryan, and Chris). He's so cute and so tiny! I got to hold him the day after he was born when I brought Amy and Matt the clothes they had let us borrow from Ryan and Chris (plus a few others from Cael's baby stash).

Cael had a great Christmas. He definitely made out like a bandit with a ton of toys! And we got Sing-a-ma-jigs! :D Definitely my favorite toys lol He wasn't too interested in his stuff though, he just wanted everybody else's presents

Cael with my sister Natalie (aka Aunt Ni-Ni) 

Cael playing with my dad's zipper

All of Russ' grandkids: Karley, Caysen, Cael, Carson, Jensen (holding Cael), and Laney (confusing with all the "k" sounds lol)

Today we're getting family pictures and Cael's 9 month pictures taken at WalMart. I'm really excited about it because I love getting Cael's pictures taken. He's such a cutie pie (no, I'm not biased). Last night he spent the night at Russ and Judy's house so we could get some sleep. I woke up at 5 am anyway, expecting Cael to be up. I went into his room to find him and when he wasn't there, I cried a little and took his blankie to bed with me. Then I slept til 10 :)

Brad was happy with his Christmas presents. We got the blender he wanted (for milkshakes, of course) and I got him a Turtle Beach headset for the PS3 and Black Ops. He was REALLY happy when he got those lol He's playing the Zombie game on Black Ops now even though I'm trying to convince him to take a shower and shave before pictures (in an hour and a half, but we still have to dress and pick up Cael and Judy and stop by the bank to set up a CD with the Christmas money we got). Silly boy lol

Monday, December 20, 2010

Dead Cats And Loads Of Laundry

I took today to clean. What a bust that was. At least I got the counter clean and a bunch of laundry done. I love doing laundry. It's the folding I hate.

I watch an episode of "Hoarders" on A&E and this lady's house was so full of crap that she couldn't walk in it. It was so gross. She lost her son because it wasn't a safe place to live. She had a ton of cats too. When the cleanup crew came, she went on and on about how they needed to find her dentures, which she lost in the living room filled while debris from the house falling apart and stuff that she acquired over 20 years of hoarding, plus various rodents/pests. One guy found the upper denture. Not too long after that, they found a half-decomposed corpse of one of her cats. I seriously almost puked. Then I did more cleaning and laundry, so I don't turn into someone like that.

Well I have to go pick up Cael and Brad from school and work, respectively. I need a maid lol