Sunday, September 18, 2011

Homework vs. Blog

Ummm.... Blogging won.
Cael has been so grouchy and fussy for the past few days. I was attributing it to teeth but after seeing him pulling on his ear, I think it's another ear infection. BOO! *thumbs down* His constant whining and crying at the smallest little things is driving me nuts. I'm sure he's sick. It's a mom thing.

Good news on the weight loss today! The size 12 jeans that I bought on Labor Day weekend (which were fitting rather snugly when I bought them and after wearing them a few times) are now almost falling off my waist. Who's happy? This lady! I'll admit, I haven't been doing the best as far as diet goes but I think working at the daycare more (and lifting our 43 pound student up for diaper changes) has been helping me lose the weight...and possibly break my back ;)

Sometimes I feel like I've broken something in me, like my brain or my personality. That just sounds sill though...a broken personality. I sometimes think I may have lost my personality in a way. I'm not sure what happened between pregnancy and now, but I have changed a lot...not necessarily in the best way. I'm always willing to help anybody at (almost) any time. I have gained this ability to forgive almost anything. But I've lost a lot of humor. I've lost the ability to think for myself, just to fit in to the group. I let people walk all over me and take advantage of my willingness to help. And though I may forgive, I never forget the wrong that was done. I'm more boring too. My life just centers around parenting, my relationship with Brad, school, work, and Facebook. Consequently, those are really the only things I talk about, thus making me boring. I can't remember a lot of my "good" life stories. Fail memory is fail. I can't remember what movie I last watched, what I ate for breakfast today, or to do the dishes. Luckily, I can remember basic motor functions and I can remember how to talk (most of the time). And I can remember who loves me.

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