Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Once Again, The Blog Prevails

Can't focus on homework tonight, the blog beckons ;)

I'm super excited about Friday this the week! I'm going up to Kirksville to see my family and to go to the high school's homecoming parade and game :) Cael will be super excited about all the tigers and candy at the parade. We probably won't end up staying for the whole game since he has an early bed time, but I would love to see the half time show this year! I miss hanging out with my band friends, though most of them have graduated now. Cael's excited about seeing his "Ni-Ni" (Natalie) and Papa Shane :) He got new Papa Shane boots on Saturday and wears them all the time now!

Cael has also been super cranky recently... Almost constantly. He has a HUGE diaper rash from when he had Hand Foot and Mouth. All of the prescription medication for the original treatment of the rash has been used up and now we're using a combination of his eczema treatment plus a diaper rash cream. I actually just ran out of the hydrocortisone today so I'll have to call in for more :/ But the layers are hydrocortisone, Cera Ve lotion, Aquaphor, then Desitin or Boudreaux's Butt Paste (depending on which one I can find at the time...Cael likes to play with and hide them). Nothing seems to be affecting it though and it's driving Brad, me, and Cael crazy. He wakes up in the night itching and scratching, then has trouble going back to sleep. It's killing us... Hopefully we can get things figured out, minus a doctor. Cael doesn't seem to like Dr. Lovell all that much.

But on to the less yucky stuff!

Cael has been "helping" me in the kitchen a lot in the past few weeks and today I caught him doing the cutest thing :) He had my oven mitt on one arm (it covers his whole arm, from fingersto shoulder) and was poking the front of the oven, saying "Hot! Hot!" It was so funny, I just about died from laughing! He turned around and said, "Hot! Cookie!" and I laughed even harder. I told him to show Dada what he had on his arm so he ran out to Brad and said hot again. Then he went back to the kitchen and I took video of him doing it again, and blowing on the pretend hot food :) It's on Facebook, if you have me as a friend on there!

I can't wait for Friday to get here already. I miss my family and my friends! So looking forward to this! :)

That was a little off topic... Oh well, I'm feeling wired right now. Not a caffeine-fueled type of wired, more like a "I have everything on my mind at one time" kind of wired. Diaper rashes, homework assignments, work, friends, family, packing, housework, Brad, Cael.... Yikes, I sound like I'm crazy....

Maybe I am though.

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