Wednesday, September 7, 2011

OMG Pain

For quite a few days (since Saturday) I have had an awful stomach pain + nausea. It sucked royally. I tried everything to get rid of it: Tums, Pepto, Tylenol, ibuprofen, heating pad, ice. You name it, I probably did it. And it STILL wouldn't go away. My ultimate solution? Doctor. Again. And she said that, according to my urine sample, I had quite a bit of blood being peed out of me. From this she drew the conclusion that I have kidney stones. Whoa, wait, what? Pretty much what I thought lol She set me up with an antibiotic and a special pain med (which Walgreens did not fill D:< ) and sent me home with a pee-catcher and a strainer so I can go "kidney stone fishing" (my doctor's words, not mine). Sure enough, I come home to use said pee-catcher and strainer and I caught a sliver of a stone! It was super weird and I looked it up on Google just to be sure it was one. It's the tiniest little square I've ever seen and it hurt like a mofo to get out (I actually just had the same pain a second ago). Luckily, I know I'm not dying and that I don't have appendicitis or gallstones :)

Cael has been such a daddy's buddy lately! Brad has been working on a new phrase that has stuck: "Love Dada." Cael also uses this phrase for Dede, GiGi, and Papa....but not Mama :'( But I still get more hugs and kisses from Cael so I guess that counts for something!

Cael is also getting in a new tooth, a canine this time. It's taking FOREVER to come through. It's taking even longer than the molars did! He's going to look so big when he has a mouth full of teeth! It's hard to believe he is 18 months old already... And he talks so much! Today in the car, he was jabbering on and on about something but he was stringing actual words together in a nonsensical way. I can't even remember what he was saying, I was laughing so hard at how serious and important he sounded! But every words he said was an actual word, not just babble.

My classes aren't sucking too bad yet... I'm just not getting things turned in the time I want to. Like I should be working on it right now but I'm blogging instead... Shame upon me. But I enjoy blogging more than homework :)

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