Sunday, June 5, 2011

Thank God I Love This Kid Or I Might Have To Drop-Kick Him Out The Window

Cael has gotten into this nasty habit of screaming a high-pitched (girly) scream. It's used for when he's mad, happy, playing, talking, eating, and when he wants attention. I'm TIRED of it. I swear my ear drums are going to burst when he does it.

Tomorrow is his 15 month Well Child Checkup. Hopefully no shots *fingers crossed* I still can't believe he's 15 months old :) It feels like time has flown by. I kind of wish he hadn't grown up as fast, as I currently watch him drip juice onto his highchair tray and spread it around with his hand... What a messy boy he's grown into lol

His habits when he gets angry have changed too. If we tell him no or remove him from a situation where he is doing something unsanitary or unsafe, he slams his head on the ground then finds the nearest portable object and proceeds to chuck it across the room or push it into the wall repeatedly (this happens frequently with chairs). All the while, screaming his high-pitched siren wail.

Our routines have changed as well, which could be causing the mood swings (that and the fact that he's a stubborn child lol). We've been taking nightly walks after dinner which is awesome because we can get out of the house and I can get more exercise in :) I've been losing a lot of weight since the summer started! Most of my eating habits have changed too. Yesterday and the day before were pretty cruddy though because it was two days before my monthlies started so I ended up eating McDonalds and a whole package of chewy Chips Ahoy cookies (damn hormones...).

Cael and I also painted a present for Brad for Father's Day. It was probably the worst idea ever but it was fun while it lasted! Yesterday, my dad, mom, and Natalie met Cael and me in Columbia so we could all go to the Kids Workshop at the Home Depot there. Cael "helped" my dad "bang bang" the nails in until the box was finished lol Then Cael picked out the colors for the box. He actually said the names of the colors he wanted too! My dad bought the little sample paints that come with a brush attached to the inside of the lid. So today Cael picked out the red paint and we attempted to paint the box (attempted being the key word there). He ended up stick the entire brush into his mouth after painting just a few I decided we were done. He was not happy at all about this, especially when I hosed him off in the tub with semi cold water. I don't think we will be doing paint again for a while.

I got my wedding dress yesterday as well :D I had an appointment a few weeks back and they had first told me that my dress wouldn't be in until June 20th and it came a week early! It's gorgeous and I can't wait to wear it! The style number for it is V9675 if you want to look for it on I love it :) It's my princess gown!

Brad started a Paper Mario play through for me (N64) and I got so into it that I started my own save file for the game. Now I can play along with Brad :) It's great that it's an easy game and he's been really helpful when I get to parts I don't remember and opponents I can't beat.

Well I'm going to end it here so I can watch Brad play Paper Mario (I don't want to miss anything important since I'm almost to Lavalava Island lol). Hopefully you enjoy your days as well!

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