Monday, March 1, 2010

Boring Hospital Stuff

So here we are, sitting in the hospital and waiting...

No, I'm not waiting on Cael to get here (well, technically I am but it's not like he's coming today).

I had a doctor appointment this morning, just one of my (now weekly) checkups and the nurse noticed that my blood pressure was fairly high. It was 130/82. Usually at my appointments I average out at 63 (diastolic) so she decided that she would take it again after Dr. Carr was all finished with everything. Dr. Carr acted fairly alarmed, in his calm way, when he saw what my blood pressure was and when he saw just how swollen my legs, ankles, and feet had gotten. He mentioned that preeclampsia was possibly why all this was happening and that to be sure I needed to head over to the hospital (right next door) to get tested. He also said they would probably keep me overnight to monitor me and Cael, just to be sure that nothing was going wrong.

Of course, I was just stuck on the "you might have to stay overnight" part... I HATE the hospital and how it smells and how close it is in here and the beds and everything... Yes, I know I need to get over it because I'll be in here again pretty soon to deliver Cael but I don't care, I still hate it.

So here I am, with Brad sitting by my side, waiting for Laura, my nurse, to come in and check my blood pressure again. I'm getting checked every two hours.

Oh and the best freaking part about this? I have to collect my urine for the next 24 hours. Literally, every time I pee, I have to put it in a jug. At the end of my stay (before I can go home), they'll analyze it to make sure I'm not peeing out all the protein I'm taking in. Woohoo...

On the bright side, there are no ladies in labor right now so I don't have to freak out while hearing screams. And the lunch I had was pretty good: Mashed potatoes and gravy, roast beef, boiled cucumbers and zucchini, and chocolate cake :)

Now I'm just bored... Nothing good on the ancient TV, except a CSI marathon... I guess after Laura comes back in, I'll take a walk around the floor, since I'm not alowed to leave it... Then I guess I'll take a nap or something... I'm still hungry though lol typical pregnant lady

My dad dropped by to give me a present from my friend Korrie. She gave us some baby shampoo, baby lotion, and a REALLY soft blanket :) It's so cute!

I had a baby shower yesterday, thrown by my aunts. It was Dr. Seuss themed and was so fun! They even got me a little red velvet cake (not everybody likes it like I do).
Laura came in and took my blood pressure again (141/60) and said that Dr. Carr said I might be able to go home tonight instead of tomorrow morning :D I still have to take the pee-jug home though... Yuck... Maybe I'll write more later, I don't want to be in this room anymore!

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