Friday, January 8, 2010


Ugh, I hate when Fridays suck...

Like today, all I did was laundry, laundry, laundry...

I'm frustrated as well, not only because while I was doing laundry, my little sister was being extremely irritating, but also because the landlord, who was supposed to come and look at our broken stove, did not follow up on his promise and I cannot get a hold of him on his cell phone or the number given to us at the time we moved in, which is the designated "fix it" line. This is the SECOND time he has forgotten about our apartment due to working on the renovation of another apartment downstairs.

Another thing that needs fixing is our bedroom window. The top pane needs to be re-caulked (which is something the landlord said he would take care of) so it leaks cold air into our bedroom, causing extreme coldness that even our ghetto radiator, which has no setting between super freaking hot and no heat, cannot remedy.

Screw this place, I want to go back home...

Pregnancy has been a pain for me this week too. I am leaking everywhere and Cael does not understand that when I attempt to push him out of my kidney area, I mean for him to leave it and go to the other side. Our mattress causes me much discomfort throughout the night and I have had very little sleep. No wonder I'm such a grouch...

On the plus side, Cael has had the hiccups twice this week, which I find hilarious. The first time was weird because I had no idea what was going on. My stomach was pulsing rhythmically so I thought I would check it out using a stethoscope I bought at Wal*Mart (I use it to listen to Cael World), and sure enough, he was hiccupping! It sounded like very sharp intakes of breath, not like our hiccups at all but there was no mistaking the noise. It happened again today as I was waiting for the second out of my three loads of laundry to get done washing. It was a good laugh.

Well, that's all I have for today. Until next time, live life as best you can!

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