Friday, January 29, 2010

Oh God...

Where is this elusive thing called "dream land"? Why can't I find it? Oh wait, I know why. People snore and fetuses (feti?) move constantly.

Last night I had a meltdown and I cried so hard that I threw up then got a nosebleed. And I still have no idea why I was crying. Nothing was going wrong, through I ached everywhere. Maybe it was because I was tired and it caught up to me. Maybe it's just hormones. I have no idea. It scared Brad though. When I had stopped crying, he cried. He was afraid that something serious was happening.

He waited on me hand-and-foot last night. He made chicken noodle soup for me while I wrote a paper. He offered to get me things and to do things for me but I just wanted him there with me. When I finished the paper, we played Pokemon Stadium on the N64 and he let me win, even though I didn't want him to. We ate ice cream and popcorn and fell asleep in each other's arms (until I got too warm and until I had to roll over).

This morning, I woke up feeling like crap still. I believe I'm getting sick... I have a headache, my nose is running, and I've almost lost my voice. And I'm exhausted... But sleep is unattainable...

Can anyone help me?... How can anyone help me?...

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